SPACE - Library 1 - Volume 1.iso
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Text File
353 lines
;* NEWSPEED by William A. Schneider *
;* Copyright 1989 Antic Publishing *
;* *
;* *
;* This program is a terminate-&-stay-resident *
;* utility -- place it in the AUTO folder and *
;* it will be installed at boot-up or run it *
;* from the desktop. It will not survive a *
;* warm boot. *
resetsp equ $0 ;4 byte value for Stack Pointer after reset
resetpc equ $4 ;4 byte value for Program Counter after reset
timerc equ $114 ;timer C (system clock) interrupt vector
; executed 200 times per second
memvalid equ $420 ;4 byte value for valid memory configuration
flock equ $43e ;2 byte value = 0 if no disk access in progress
sysbase equ $4f2 ;4 byte pointer to start of operating system
hz_200 equ $4ba ;4 byte value that is incremented by 1 with
; each clock cycle (200 times per sec)
; Send installation message to screen
move.l #installmessage,-(sp) ;point to installation message
move.w #$09,-(sp) ;GEMDOS PRINT LINE command
trap #1 ;print the message on the screen
addq.l #6,sp ;restore stack
bsr sound
; Send blank lines to screen
move.l #blanklines,-(sp)
move.w #$09,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
; Call code that installs hooks in SUPVR mode
move.l #hook,-(sp) ;point to code at hooks
move.w #38,-(sp) ;XBIOS SUPER mode command
trap #14 ;execute code at hooks in supvr mode
addq.l #6,sp ;restore stack
; Terminate program and protect memory for TSR code
clr.w -(sp) ;termination code of 0
move.l #(finish-begin+256),-(sp) ;bytes to protect at program start
move.w #$31,-(sp) ;GEMDOS KEEP PROCESS command
trap #1 ;terminate and protect memory
; Subroutine to install hook
; Install hook to delay routine
move.l timerc,oldtimer ;save timer C vector
move.l #tsrcode,timerc ;redirect timer C to delay routine
; Determine memory location for keyboard shift status.
move.l #$e1b,d0 ;location for pre-1987 ROMs
movea.l $4f2,a0 ;pointer to start of operating system
cmpi.w #$1988,$1a(a0) ;check for ROM creation year
bne.s tstfor1987
move.l #$e63,D0 ;location for 1988 ROMs
bra.s dateset
cmpi.w #$1987,$1a(a0)
bne.s dateset
move.l #$e61,d0 ;location for 1987 ROMs
move.l d0,key ;save location of keyboard shift status
; Pause 2 sec to read installation message
; (Is in hook routine because next instruction must execute in supvr mode)
move.l hz_200,d0 ;get current clock count
add.l pausesec,d0 ;change to what clock count will be after pause
cmp.l hz_200,d0 ;pause for 2 sec after key was selected
bne messagepause
; TSR code that executes 200 times per second
tst.w flock ;test for disk access
bne return ;return if access in progress (<>0)
move.w sr,-(sp) ;save status register to restore
; when we exit
;set the interrupt to 5 so the MFP interrupts (which includes timer C)
;will be disabled. If left active, our routine would be interrupted
;200 times per second by itself and lock up.
move.w #$2500,sr ;supvr mode, set interrupt at 5
movem.l d0/a0,-(sp) ;save to restore when we exit
movea.l key,a0 ;load location of keyboard shift status byte
move.b (a0),d0 ;move keyboard shift status byte to d0
andi.b #$f,d0 ;strip bits 4 thru 7 to strip caps lock bit
cmp.b hotkey,d0 ;check for Ctl+Alt
bne delaycode ;branch if not Ctl+Alt
movem.l d6/a1/a6,-(sp) ;save registers to restore when we exit
;Stop all sound by writing $FF into sound register 7, the
;noise/tone/port enable register. To place a value into a sound
;register, you must:
; - put the selected register number (0-15) into $FF8800
; - write the byte to be placed in the selected register into $FF8802
;The XBIOS 28 Giaccess routine could also be used.
move.l #$ff8800,a0
move.b #7,(a0)
move.l #$ff8802,a1
move.b #$ff,(a1)
; Get screen address
move.w #2,-(sp) ;XBIOS PHYSBASE command
trap #14 ;get screen base address
addq.l #2,sp ;restore stack
move.l d0,scrnadrs ;save scrnadrs
; Save top line of screen for later restore
movea.l d0,a0 ;screen start address
movea.l #scrnstorage,a1 ;temp buffer to hold top line
move.l #1440,d0 ;number of bytes to save
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ;copy 1st 1440 bytes of screen
dbra d0,scrnsave ; to scrnstorage
; I cannot be sure what color combinations may be in place during
; the program in progress. Therefore, to be sure that our prompt
; will be visible, we will need to set our own colors. First we
; will save the current colors for later restoration.
; Save the original palette
move.l #15,d6 ;set up counter and color number
movea.l #origpalette,a6 ;area to save colors
move.w #-1,-(sp) ;-1 returns current color value
move.w d6,-(sp) ;color number
move.w #7,-(sp) ;XBIOS SET COLOR command
trap #14 ;get color value
addq.l #6,sp ;restore stack
move.w d0,(a6)+ ;save color value
dbra d6,savecolors ;do for 16 colors
; In order to make our colors effective in all resolutions, I will
; set colors 1 thru 15 to black and color 0 to white. This will
; also make it very evident when the screen changes that our hook
; is waiting for keyboard input.
; Set colors 0 thru 15 to black
move.l #15,d6 ;set up counter and color number
move.w #$777,-(sp) ;value for black
move.w d6,-(sp) ;color number
move.w #7,-(sp) ;XBIOS SET COLOR command
trap #14 ;change color value
addq.l #6,sp ;restore stack
dbra d6,setcolors ;do for 16 colors
; Set color 0 to white
move.w #0,-(sp) ;value for white
move.w #0,-(sp) ;color number
move.w #7,-(sp) ;XBIOS SET COLOR command
trap #14 ;change color value
addq.l #6,sp ;restore stack
; Send choose message to screen
move.l #choosemessage,-(sp) ;point to choose message
move.w #$09,-(sp) ;GEMDOS PRINT LINE command
trap #1 ;print the message on the screen
addq.l #6,sp ;restore stack
; Get next key selected from keyboard
move.w #2,-(sp) ;read from console
move.w #2,-(sp) ;BIOS BCONIN command
trap #13 ;get key code
addq.l #4,sp ;restore stack
; After BCONIN, the ASCII code of the character selected is in the
; lower byte of d0
cmpi.b #$08,d0 ;check for backspace key
bne chkforcoldboot ;if no, check for cold boot
; Do a warmboot
move.w resetsp,sp ;set supvr stack pointer
move.l resetpc,a0 ;load program counter
jmp (a0) ;jump to reset program counter
cmp.b #$7f,d0 ;check for delete key
bne chkforspeedchg ;if no, check for speed change
; Do a cold boot
clr.l memvalid ;force a coldstart
move.l sysbase,a0 ;find system base address
jmp (a0) ;jump to start of operating system
; Look for keys 0-9
subi.b #$30,d0 ;convert ASCII code to number 0-9
cmpi.b #0,d0
blt select_key ;code out of range (below 0), try again
cmpi.b #$9,d0
bgt select_key ;code out of range (above 9), try again
and.l #255,d0 ;clear all but low byte
; Calculate the delay loop counter value.
mulu factor,d0 ;calc delay
move.l d0,delay ;save delay
; Send pause message to screen
move.l #pausemessage,-(sp) ;point to pause message
move.w #$09,-(sp) ;GEMDOS PRINT LINE command
trap #1 ;print the message on the screen
addq.l #6,sp ;restore stack
;pause loop
move.l #15,d0
move.l #$ffffff,d6
dbra d6,pause2
dbra d0,pause1
; Restore original palette
move.l #15,d6 ;set up counter and color number
movea.l #origpalette,a6 ;area where original colors are saved
move.w (a6)+,-(sp) ;color value
move.w d6,-(sp) ;color number
move.w #7,-(sp) ;XBIOS SET COLOR command
trap #14 ;set color value
addq.l #6,sp ;restore stack
dbra d6,restorecolors ;do for 16 colors
; Restore top screen line where message was written
movea.l scrnadrs,a0
movea.l #scrnstorage,a1
move.l #1440,d0
move.b (a1)+,(a0)+
dbra d0,scrnrestore
movem.l (sp)+,d6/a1/a6
; Actual TSR slowdowm code
cmpi.l #0,delay
beq enddelay ;no slowdown if delay = 0
move.l delay,d0 ;load delay counter
loop: ;actual delay loop
dbra d0,loop
movem.l (sp)+,d0/a0 ;restore registers
move.w (sp)+,sr ;restore status register
move.l oldtimer,-(sp)
rts ;jump to old timer c vector
; Sound subroutine
move.l #bell,-(sp)
move.w #$09,-(sp) ;GEMDOS PRINT LINE command
trap #1 ;sound bell
addq.l #6,sp ;restore stack
; Working data area
dc.b " Next byte is hotkey" ;marker to find patch byte position
hotkey: ;special key combination to initiate
dc.b $c ;keyboard shift status for CTL + ALT
;If another combination is desired,
;replace with one of the following
; dc.b $6 for CTL + LSHIFT
; dc.b $e for CTL + LSHIFT + ALT
; dc.b $a for LSHIFT + ALT
dc.b 0,0,0
dc.l 0 ;keyboard code
dc.b "Next 4 bytes are message pause count" ;marker to find patch byte
dc.l 400 ;message pause count 400 = 2 seconds
dc.l 0 ;original timer c vector
dc.w $0140 ;speed factor
dc.l 0 ;delay count
dc.l 0 ;original screen dump vector
dc.l 0 ;screen start address
ds.b 1440 ;storage space for 1 line of screen
ds.w 16
; Installation announcement string
dc.b 27,"E"
dc.b '**************************************',13,10
dc.b '* NEWSPEED by William A. Schneider *',13,10
dc.b '* Copyright 1989 Antic Publishing *',13,10
dc.b '* *',13,10
dc.b '* HOT KEY = CTL + ALT *',13,10
dc.b '* *',13,10
dc.b '* After initiation: *',13,10
dc.b '* *',13,10
dc.b '* Bksp for warm boot *',13,10
dc.b '* Del for cold boot *',13,10
dc.b '* # for new speed *',13,10
dc.b '* Where #=0 for normal speed *',13,10
dc.b '* 1 is slower *',13,10
dc.b '* - etc - *',13,10
dc.b '* 9 is slowest *',13,10
dc.b '**************************************',13,10,10
dc.b 13,10,10,0
dc.b 7,0 ;bell code (7)
dc.b 27,'H',27,'K' ;VT52 codes to home
; cursor then erase line
dc.b 'Select: Del (CBoot), Bksp (WBoot), 0-9',0 ;text to display
dc.b 27,'H',27,'K'
dc.b 'Pausing - get ready to continue',0